/* * Copyright 2018 Avi Halachmi (:avih) avihpit@yahoo.com https://github.com/avih * MIT/X Consortium License */ #include <X11/Xft/Xft.h> #include "st.h" #include "boxdraw_data.h" /* Rounded non-negative integers division of n / d */ #define DIV(n, d) (((n) + (d) / 2) / (d)) static Display *xdpy; static Colormap xcmap; static XftDraw *xd; static Visual *xvis; static void drawbox(int, int, int, int, XftColor *, XftColor *, ushort); static void drawboxlines(int, int, int, int, XftColor *, ushort); /* public API */ void boxdraw_xinit(Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, XftDraw *draw, Visual *vis) { xdpy = dpy; xcmap = cmap; xd = draw, xvis = vis; } int isboxdraw(Rune u) { Rune block = u & ~0xff; return (boxdraw && block == 0x2500 && boxdata[(uint8_t)u]) || (boxdraw_braille && block == 0x2800); } /* the "index" is actually the entire shape data encoded as ushort */ ushort boxdrawindex(const Glyph *g) { if (boxdraw_braille && (g->u & ~0xff) == 0x2800) return BRL | (uint8_t)g->u; if (boxdraw_bold && (g->mode & ATTR_BOLD)) return BDB | boxdata[(uint8_t)g->u]; return boxdata[(uint8_t)g->u]; } void drawboxes(int x, int y, int cw, int ch, XftColor *fg, XftColor *bg, const XftGlyphFontSpec *specs, int len) { for ( ; len-- > 0; x += cw, specs++) drawbox(x, y, cw, ch, fg, bg, (ushort)specs->glyph); } /* implementation */ void drawbox(int x, int y, int w, int h, XftColor *fg, XftColor *bg, ushort bd) { ushort cat = bd & ~(BDB | 0xff); /* mask out bold and data */ if (bd & (BDL | BDA)) { /* lines (light/double/heavy/arcs) */ drawboxlines(x, y, w, h, fg, bd); } else if (cat == BBD) { /* lower (8-X)/8 block */ int d = DIV((uint8_t)bd * h, 8); XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + d, w, h - d); } else if (cat == BBU) { /* upper X/8 block */ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y, w, DIV((uint8_t)bd * h, 8)); } else if (cat == BBL) { /* left X/8 block */ XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y, DIV((uint8_t)bd * w, 8), h); } else if (cat == BBR) { /* right (8-X)/8 block */ int d = DIV((uint8_t)bd * w, 8); XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + d, y, w - d, h); } else if (cat == BBQ) { /* Quadrants */ int w2 = DIV(w, 2), h2 = DIV(h, 2); if (bd & TL) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y, w2, h2); if (bd & TR) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2, y, w - w2, h2); if (bd & BL) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2, w2, h - h2); if (bd & BR) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2, y + h2, w - w2, h - h2); } else if (bd & BBS) { /* Shades - data is 1/2/3 for 25%/50%/75% alpha, respectively */ int d = (uint8_t)bd; XftColor xfc; XRenderColor xrc = { .alpha = 0xffff }; xrc.red = DIV(fg->color.red * d + bg->color.red * (4 - d), 4); xrc.green = DIV(fg->color.green * d + bg->color.green * (4 - d), 4); xrc.blue = DIV(fg->color.blue * d + bg->color.blue * (4 - d), 4); XftColorAllocValue(xdpy, xvis, xcmap, &xrc, &xfc); XftDrawRect(xd, &xfc, x, y, w, h); XftColorFree(xdpy, xvis, xcmap, &xfc); } else if (cat == BRL) { /* braille, each data bit corresponds to one dot at 2x4 grid */ int w1 = DIV(w, 2); int h1 = DIV(h, 4), h2 = DIV(h, 2), h3 = DIV(3 * h, 4); if (bd & 1) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y, w1, h1); if (bd & 2) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h1, w1, h2 - h1); if (bd & 4) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2, w1, h3 - h2); if (bd & 8) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w1, y, w - w1, h1); if (bd & 16) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w1, y + h1, w - w1, h2 - h1); if (bd & 32) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w1, y + h2, w - w1, h3 - h2); if (bd & 64) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h3, w1, h - h3); if (bd & 128) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w1, y + h3, w - w1, h - h3); } } void drawboxlines(int x, int y, int w, int h, XftColor *fg, ushort bd) { /* s: stem thickness. width/8 roughly matches underscore thickness. */ /* We draw bold as 1.5 * normal-stem and at least 1px thicker. */ /* doubles draw at least 3px, even when w or h < 3. bold needs 6px. */ int mwh = MIN(w, h); int base_s = MAX(1, DIV(mwh, 8)); int bold = (bd & BDB) && mwh >= 6; /* possibly ignore boldness */ int s = bold ? MAX(base_s + 1, DIV(3 * base_s, 2)) : base_s; int w2 = DIV(w - s, 2), h2 = DIV(h - s, 2); /* the s-by-s square (x + w2, y + h2, s, s) is the center texel. */ /* The base length (per direction till edge) includes this square. */ int light = bd & (LL | LU | LR | LD); int double_ = bd & (DL | DU | DR | DD); if (light) { /* d: additional (negative) length to not-draw the center */ /* texel - at arcs and avoid drawing inside (some) doubles */ int arc = bd & BDA; int multi_light = light & (light - 1); int multi_double = double_ & (double_ - 1); /* light crosses double only at DH+LV, DV+LH (ref. shapes) */ int d = arc || (multi_double && !multi_light) ? -s : 0; if (bd & LL) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2, w2 + s + d, s); if (bd & LU) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2, y, s, h2 + s + d); if (bd & LR) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - d, y + h2, w - w2 + d, s); if (bd & LD) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2, y + h2 - d, s, h - h2 + d); } /* double lines - also align with light to form heavy when combined */ if (double_) { /* * going clockwise, for each double-ray: p is additional length * to the single-ray nearer to the previous direction, and n to * the next. p and n adjust from the base length to lengths * which consider other doubles - shorter to avoid intersections * (p, n), or longer to draw the far-corner texel (n). */ int dl = bd & DL, du = bd & DU, dr = bd & DR, dd = bd & DD; if (dl) { int p = dd ? -s : 0, n = du ? -s : dd ? s : 0; XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2 + s, w2 + s + p, s); XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2 - s, w2 + s + n, s); } if (du) { int p = dl ? -s : 0, n = dr ? -s : dl ? s : 0; XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - s, y, s, h2 + s + p); XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 + s, y, s, h2 + s + n); } if (dr) { int p = du ? -s : 0, n = dd ? -s : du ? s : 0; XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - p, y + h2 - s, w - w2 + p, s); XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - n, y + h2 + s, w - w2 + n, s); } if (dd) { int p = dr ? -s : 0, n = dl ? -s : dr ? s : 0; XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 + s, y + h2 - p, s, h - h2 + p); XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - s, y + h2 - n, s, h - h2 + n); } } }