.TH MW 1 mutt-wizard .SH NAME mw \- mutt-wizard \- autoconfigure email accounts for neomutt and isync .SH SYNOPSIS .B mw <command> .SH DESCRIPTION .B mw takes a user email account and sets up a terminal-based email interface with it for .B neomutt. This can include offline email with .B isync/mbsync and configs for .B msmtp for sending mail, and also passwords automatically encrypted and stored with .B pass. .SH COMMANDS .TP .B add configure an email account .TP .B ls list all email accounts configured by mutt-wizard .TP .B delete delete the configuration files for an already configured email account .TP .B purge totally purge all local mutt-wizard accounts .TP .B cron toggle a cronjob that will automatically sync mail with .B mailsync every few minutes .SH DETAILS .TP .B Mail location If the user chooses to keep offline email with .B isync, it will be kept in .I ~/.local/share/mail/ and if he wants to use .B notmuch to index and search his mail, he should give this directory location to .B notmuch when he first runs .B notmuch setup. .TP .B muttrc files mutt-wizard will create a muttrc file for each created account holding account-specific details. These will appear in .I ~/.config/mutt/accounts/ and can be edited by the user if needbe. .TP .B Mail deletion Neither .B delete or .B purge will delete downloaded mail for for safety (and time)'s sake. If you want to delete downloaded mail, do so manually by removing it from the directory above. .SH AUTHORS Written by Luke Smith <luke@lukesmith.xyz>. .SH LICENSE GPLv3 .SH SEE ALSO .BR neomutt (1), .BR neomuttrc (1) .BR mbsync (1), .BR msmtp (1),