.TH MAILSYNC 1 .SH NAME mailsync \- sync mail accounts set up with .B mw. .SH SYNOPSIS .B mailsync [ .I OPTIONS ]... [ .I ACCOUNTS ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B mailsync syncs the mail of all accounts set up with .B mw, or if account names are given, syncs only those accounts. .B mailsync can also pass on options to .B mbsync, which it uses to sync mail. .B mailsync is a wrapper for .B mbsync, but also automatically reindexes new mail with .B notmuch, gives notifications if new mail is found and can also be set as a cronjob to sync and index mail quietly in the background. .SH COMMANDS .TP .B mailsync sync all mail accounts and notify user if there is new mail .TP .B mailsync account@example.org only sync the .B account@example.org account. .TP .B -* See the .B mbsync manual for additional options that can be used. .SH AUTHORS Written by Luke Smith <luke@lukesmith.xyz> originally in 2018. .SH LICENSE GPLv3 .SH SEE ALSO .BR mw (1), .BR neomutt (1), .BR neomuttrc (1) .BR mbsync (1), .BR mpop (1), .BR msmtp (1), .BR notmuch (1), .BR abook (1)