path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 1625267..7fb5413 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,6 +2,15 @@
+chooseSync() { (crontab -l && testSync) || dialog --msgbox "No cronjob manager detected. Please install one and return to enable automatic mailsyncing" 10 60 ;}
+testSync() { (crontab -l | grep .config/mutt/etc/mailsync && removeSync) || addSync ;}
+addSync() { min=$(dialog --inputbox "How many minutes should be between mail syncs?" 8 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)
+ (crontab -l; echo "*/$min * * * * /home/$(whoami)/.config/mutt/etc/") | crontab - &&
+ dialog --msgbox "Cronjob successfully added. Remember you may need to restart or tell systemd/etc. to start your cron manager for this to take effect." 7 60 ;}
+removeSync() { ((crontab -l | sed -e '/.config\/mutt\/etc\/mailsync/d') | crontab - >/dev/null) && dialog --msgbox "Cronjob successfully removed. To reactivate, select this option again." 6 60 ;}
changePassword() { \
gpgemail=$( dialog --title "Luke's mutt/offlineIMAP password wizard" --inputbox "Insert the email address with which you originally created your GPG key pair. This is NOT necessarily the email you want to configure." 10 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&- )
dialog --title "Luke's mutt/offlineIMAP password wizard" --passwordbox "Enter the new password for the \"$1\" account." 10 60 2> /tmp/$1
@@ -36,21 +45,32 @@ formatShortcut() { \
echo "macro index,pager g$1 \"<change-folder>$data<enter>\" \"Go to $2.\"" >> "$muttdir"accounts/$3.muttrc
done ;}
+gen_delim() { \
+ delim="="
+ for i in `seq $(( $1 - 1 ))`
+ do
+ delim="$delim-"
+ done
+ echo $delim ;}
detectMailboxes() { \
find ~/.mail/$1 -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d | sed -e "s/.*\///g;s/^/=/g" > /tmp/$1_boxes
- oneline=$(cat /tmp/$1_boxes | tr "\n" " ")
+ sidebar_width=$(sed -n -e '/^set sidebar_width/p' "$muttdir"/muttrc | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')
+ delim=$(gen_delim $sidebar_width)
+ oneline=$(cat /tmp/$1_boxes | sed -e "s/^\|$/\"/g" | tr "\n" " ")
+ oneline="=$1 $delim $oneline"
sed -i "/^mailboxes\|^set spoolfile\|^set record\|^set postponed/d" "$muttdir"accounts/$1.muttrc
echo mailboxes $oneline >> "$muttdir"accounts/$1.muttrc
sed -i "/^macro index,pager g/d" "$muttdir"accounts/$1.muttrc
grep -vi /tmp/$1_boxes -e "trash\|drafts\|sent\|trash\|spam\|junk\|archive\|chat\|old\|new\|gmail\|sms\|call" | sort -n | sed 1q | formatShortcut i inbox $1
- grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e sent | formatShortcut s sent $1
- grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e draft | formatShortcut d drafts $1
- grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e trash | formatShortcut t trash $1
- grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e spam | formatShortcut S spam $1
- grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e archive | formatShortcut a archive $1
+ grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e sent | sed 1q | formatShortcut s sent $1
+ grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e draft | sed 1q | formatShortcut d drafts $1
+ grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e trash | sed 1q | formatShortcut t trash $1
+ grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e spam | sed 1q | formatShortcut S spam $1
+ grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e archive | sed 1q | formatShortcut a archive $1
spoolfile=$(grep -vi /tmp/$1_boxes -e "trash\|drafts\|sent\|trash\|spam\|junk\|archive\|chat\|old\|new\|gmail\|sms\|call" | sort -n | sed 1q | sed -e 's/=/+/g')
- record=$(grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e sent | sed -e 's/=/+/g')
- postponed=$(grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e draft | sed -e 's/=/+/g')
+ record=$(grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e sent | sed -e 's/=/+/g' | sed 1q)
+ postponed=$(grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e draft | sed -e 's/=/+/g' | sed 1q)
echo "set spoolfile = \"$spoolfile\"" >> "$muttdir"accounts/$1.muttrc
echo "set record = \"$record\"" >> "$muttdir"accounts/$1.muttrc
echo "set postponed = \"$postponed\"" >> "$muttdir"accounts/$1.muttrc ;}
@@ -149,6 +169,9 @@ addAccount() {
shred -u /tmp/$title
mv /tmp/$title.gpg ~/.config/mutt/credentials/
+ # Adding directory structure for cache.
+ mkdir -p "$muttdir"accounts/$title/cache/bodies
# Creating the offlineimaprc if it doesn't exist already.
if [ ! -f ~/.offlineimaprc ]; then cp "$muttdir"autoconf/offlineimap_header ~/.offlineimaprc; fi
cat "$muttdir"autoconf/offlineimap_profile | sed -e "$replacement" >> ~/.offlineimaprc
@@ -159,9 +182,6 @@ addAccount() {
# Add a numbered shortcut in the muttrc
echo "macro index,pager i$idnum '<sync-mailbox><enter-command>source "$muttdir"accounts/$title.muttrc<enter><change-folder>!<enter>'" >> "$muttdir"personal.muttrc
- # Adding directory structure for cache.
- mkdir -p "$muttdir"accounts/$title/cache/bodies
# Add to offlineimaprc sync list.
sed -i "s/^accounts =.*[a-zA-Z]$/&, $title/g;s/^accounts =$/accounts = $title/g" ~/.offlineimaprc
@@ -195,14 +215,15 @@ wipe () { rm $HOME/.offlineimaprc
while : ;
choice=$(dialog --title "Luke's mutt/offlineIMAP wizard" --nocancel \
- --menu "What would you like to do?" 14 45 7 \
+ --menu "What would you like to do?" 16 45 8 \
0 "List all email accounts configured." \
1 "Add an email account." \
2 "Auto-detect mailboxes for an account." \
- 3 "Change an account's password." \
- 4 "Remove an email account." \
- 5 "Remove all email accounts." \
- 6 "Exit this wizard." \
+ 3 "Enable/disable autosync." \
+ 4 "Change an account's password." \
+ 5 "Remove an email account." \
+ 6 "Remove all email accounts." \
+ 7 "Exit this wizard." \
3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&1 )
case $choice in
@@ -211,9 +232,10 @@ $(grep ~/.offlineimaprc -e "^accounts =" | sed 's/accounts =//g')
" 6 60;;
1) chooseAdd;;
2) detectWarning && chooseDetect ;;
-3) inventory && for i in $userchoices; do changePassword $i ; done;;
-4) inventory && for i in $userchoices; do removeAccount $i ; done;;
-5) (dialog --defaultno --title "Wipe all custom neomutt/offlineIMAP settings?" --yesno "Would you like to wipe all of the mutt/offlineIMAP settings generated by the system?" 6 60 && wipe) ;;
-6) clear && break ;;
+3) chooseSync;;
+4) inventory && for i in $userchoices; do changePassword $i ; done;;
+5) inventory && for i in $userchoices; do removeAccount $i ; done;;
+6) (dialog --defaultno --title "Wipe all custom neomutt/offlineIMAP settings?" --yesno "Would you like to wipe all of the mutt/offlineIMAP settings generated by the system?" 6 60 && wipe) ;;
+7) clear && break ;;